JavaScript code

// Select ==================>
$( ".heapbox" ).heapbox( {
   effect: {
      "type": "slide",
      "speed": "fast"   },
   "onChange": function( val, elm ) {
      elm.trigger( 'change' );
} );
// auto increament class name
$( document ).ready( function( e ) {
   $( 'ul li' ).each( function( i ) {
      i = i + 1;
      $( this ).addClass( 'item-' + i );
   } );
} );
$( window ).scroll( function() {
  jQuery( '.home .header nav > ul > li > a' ).each( function() {
     var $scroll = jQuery( window ).scrollTop();
     var $href = jQuery( this ).attr( 'href' );
     var $offset = jQuery( $href ).offset().top - jQuery( '.header' ).outerHeight();
     var $el_height = jQuery( $href ).outerHeight();
     if ( $scroll >= $offset && $scroll < $offset + $el_height ) {
 jQuery( this ).parent( 'li' ).addClass( 'is-active' ).siblings( 'li' ).removeClass( 'is-active' );
     } else {
 jQuery( this ).parent( 'li' ).removeClass( 'is-active' );
   } )
} );
var position = jQuery( window ).scrollTop(); jQuery( window ).scroll( function() { var scroll = jQuery( window ).scrollTop(); if ( scroll > position ) { jQuery( '.header' ).removeClass( 'header--active' ); } else { jQuery( '.header' ).addClass( 'header--active' ); } position = scroll; } );
// upload styling ============>
$( 'input[type="file"]' ).change( function() {
   var vl = $( this ).val();
   // for file name not full path   
   var file = vl.split( '\\' ).pop();
   $( '.uploadFile' ).val( file );
} );

// counter =====>
$( '.counter' ).each( function() {
   var counter = 0;
   $( this ).children( '.counter-plus' ).click( function() {
      $( this ).siblings( 'input[type="text"]' ).val( ++ counter );
   } );
   $( this ).children( '.counter-minus' ).click( function() {
      $( this ).siblings( 'input[type="text"]' ).val( (counter - 1 < 0) ? counter : -- counter );
   } );
} );

// html =====>   
<div class="counter">      
  <span class="counter-minus">+</span>
  <input type="number">
  <span class="counter-plus">+</span>

// Load More ===========================>   
// Html ------>
<div class="js-filter-more">

var $block = $( '.js-filter-more' );
$block.each( function() {
   var $li = $( this ).children( 'ul' ).children( 'li' );

      $( '.js-filter-more ul li:nth-child(4)' ).nextAll( 'li' ).hide();

      if ( $li.length > 4 ) {
         $( this ).append( '<a class="more" href="#">meer</a>' );
   } );

   var x = 3;
   $( '.js-filter-more .more' ).click( function( event ) {
      var size_li = $( this ).siblings( 'ul' ).children( 'li' ).size();
      x = (x + 3 <= size_li) ? x + 3 : size_li;

      $( this ).siblings( 'ul' ).children( 'li:lt(' + x + ')' ).show();

      if ( size_li === x ) {
         $( this ).remove();
   } );
// html5 video play and pause button $('.js-play').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().addClass('is-active'); $('.js-video').get(0).play(); }); $('.js-pause').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().removeClass('is-active'); $('.js-video').get(0).pause(); });
document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( event ) {
  alert( "Fire!" );
}, false );
// Number counter
var $counter = $( '.js-number-counter' );
$( window ).scroll( startCounter );
function startCounter() {
   var hT = $counter.offset().top,
      hH = $counter.outerHeight(),
      wH = $( window ).height();
   if ( $( window ).scrollTop() > hT + hH - wH ) {
      $( window ).off( "scroll", startCounter );
      $counter.each( function() {
         var $this = jQuery( this );
         $( { Counter: 0 } ).animate( { Counter: $this.text() }, {
            duration: 2000,
            easing: 'swing',
            step: function() {
               $this.text( Math.ceil( this.Counter ));
         } );
      } );
// form validation
$( '#contact-form' ).submit( function() {
   const $name = $( 'input[name="name"]' );
   const $email = $( 'input[name="email"]' );
   const $tel = $( 'input[name="tel"]' );

   const $nameRx = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
   const $emailRx = /^\b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b$/i;
   const $telRx = /\(?([0-9]{3})\)?([ .-]?)([0-9]{3})\2([0-9]{4})/;
   if ( ! $nameRx.test( $name.val() ) ) {
    $name.addClass( 'is-error' );

   if ( ! $emailRx.test( $email.val() ) ) {
    $email.addClass( 'is-error' );

   if ( ! $telRx.test( $tel.val() ) ) {
    $tel.addClass( 'is-error' );

   if ( ! $nameRx.test( $name.val() ) || ! $emailRx.test( $email.val() ) || ! $telRx.test( $tel.val() ) ) {
    return false;
  } )
jQuery('.js-validation button').click(function(  ) {
 const $email = jQuery('input[name="email"]');
 const $tel = jQuery('input[name="phone"]');

 const $emailValid = /[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}/igm;
 const $phoneValid = /^(?:\(\d{3}\)|\d{3})[- ]?\d{3}[- ]?\d{4}$/;

  return (true);
 } else {
  return (false);

 if ($phoneValid.test($tel.val())){
  return (true);
 } else {
  return (false);

<form action="#">
 <input type="text" placeholder="Name" name="name">
 <input type="email" placeholder="Email" name="email">
 <input type="text" placeholder="Phone" name="phone">

 <button class="button" type="submit">Submit</button>
// Mouse move animation
var pixelToMove = 10;

$( '[data-component="effect"]' ).each( function() {
   var $this = $( this );

   $( $this ).find( '.js-effect' ).mousemove( function( e ) {
      var width = $( this ).innerWidth();
      var height = $( this ).innerHeight();
      var newValueX = (e.pageX / width) * pixelToMove;
      var newValueY = (e.pageY / height) * pixelToMove;
      $( this ).css( { 'transform': 'translate(' + newValueX + 'px' + ', ' + newValueY + 'px' + ')' } );
   } );
} );   
// Heapbox ==== 
   "onChange":function(val, elm) {
   effect: {
      'speed': 'fast'   }
// mmenu close check ===
$('#mm-blocker').on('click mousedown touchstart', function() {
   $( '.header' ).removeAttr('style');

// Toggle button =====
var $el = $( '.yes-no label' );
if ( $el.length ) {
 $el.on('click', function() {
  if ( $( this ).siblings( 'input' ).prop("checked") == true ) {
   $( this ).siblings( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', true );
   $( this ).addClass( 'is-active' );
  } else {
   $( this ).siblings( 'input' ).prop( 'checked', false );
   $( this ).removeClass( 'is-active' );
 } );

// Video in slider ===  
$slider.on( 'afterChange', function( event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide ) {
   var $slide = jQuery( '.home-slider__slide[data-slick-index="' + currentSlide + '"]' );
   var vid = jQuery( '.home-slider__slide[data-slick-index="' + currentSlide + '"] video' );
   if ( vid.length ) {

      vid.get( 0 ).play();

      $slider.slick( 'slickPause' );

      var $duration = $slide.attr( 'data-length' );
      var $str = $duration.split( ':' );

      if ( $str.length === 1 ) {
         var $time = $duration;
         setTimeout( function() {
            $slider.slick( 'slickPlay' );
            var $src = vid.attr( 'src' );
            var $play = $src.replace( '&autoplay=1', '' );
            vid.attr( 'src', $play );
         }, $time * 1000 );

      if ( $str.length === 2 ) {
         var $min1 = $str[ 0 ];
         var $sec1 = $str[ 1 ];
         var $time1 = $min1 * 60 + Number( $sec1 );
         setTimeout( function() {
            $slider.slick( 'slickPlay' );
            var $src = vid.attr( 'src' );
            var $play = $src.replace( '&autoplay=1', '' );
            vid.attr( 'src', $play );
         }, $time1 * 1000 );


      if ( $str.length === 3 ) {
         var $hou2 = $str[ 0 ];
         var $min2 = $str[ 1 ];
         var $sec2 = $str[ 2 ];
         var $time2 = ($hou2 * 3600) + ($min2 * 60) + Number( $sec2 );
         setTimeout( function() {
            $slider.slick( 'slickPlay' );
            var $src = vid.attr( 'src' );
            var $play = $src.replace( '&autoplay=1', '' );
            vid.attr( 'src', $play );
         }, $time2 * 1000 );

} );

// Page scroll in percent ===
jQuery( window ).scroll( function() {
   var scroll = jQuery( window ).scrollTop();
   var $wh = jQuery( window ).height();
   var $dh = jQuery( document ).height() - $wh;
   var $point = scroll * 100 / $dh;
   jQuery( '.js-progress-bar' ).css( 'width', $point + '%' );
} )
// Range slider decimal added
function thousands_separators( num ) {
   var num_parts = num.toString().split( "." );
   num_parts[ 0 ] = num_parts[ 0 ].replace( /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "." );
   return num_parts.join( "." );

$( 'input[type="range"]' ).each( function() {
   $( this ).slider( {
      formatter: function( value ) {
         return thousands_separators( value );
   } )
} );

$window = $( window );
$( 'div[data-type="background"]' ).each( function() {
var $bgobj = $( this );

var yPos = - ($window.scrollTop() / $ 'speed' ));
var coords = '50% ' + (yPos - 150) + 'px';
$bgobj.css( {
backgroundPosition: coords
} );

$( window ).scroll( function() {
var yPos = - ($window.scrollTop() / $ 'speed' ));
var coords = '50% ' + (yPos - 150) + 'px';
$bgobj.css( {
backgroundPosition: coords
} );
} );
} );
// Slider dots progress with slide change =====>
let time = 2;
let $bar;
let $slick;
let isPause;
let tick;
let percentTime;

$slick = $( '.js-photo-slider' );
$slick.slick( {
rows: 0,
cssEase: 'linear',
speed: 500,
autoplaySpeed: 4000,
autoplay: true,
fade: true,
dots: true,
arrows: false,
} );

$slick.on( {
mouseenter: function () {
isPause = true;
mouseleave: function () {
isPause = false;
} );

$slick.each( function () {
function startProgressbar () {
percentTime = 0;
isPause = false;
tick = setInterval( interval, 10 );

$( this ).children( '.slick-dots' ).children( 'li' ).children( 'button' ).css( {
width: `${0}%`,
} );
$bar = $( this ).children( '.slick-dots' ).children( '.slick-active' ).children( 'button' );

function interval () {
if ( isPause === false ) {
percentTime += 1 / ( time + 0.1 );
$bar.css( {
width: `${percentTime}%`,
} );
if ( percentTime >= 100 ) {
$slick.slick( 'slickNext' );

function resetProgressbar () {
$bar.css( {
width: `${0}%`,
} );
clearTimeout( tick );


$( this ).on( 'afterChange', function () {
function startProgressbar () {
percentTime = 0;
isPause = false;
tick = setInterval( interval, 10 );

$( this ).children( '.slick-dots' ).children( 'li' ).children( 'button' ).css( {
width: `${0}%`,
} );
$bar = $( this ).children( '.slick-dots' ).children( '.slick-active' ).children( 'button' );

function interval () {
if ( isPause === false ) {
percentTime += 1 / ( time + 0.1 );
$bar.css( {
width: `${percentTime}%`,
} );
if ( percentTime >= 100 ) {
$slick.slick( 'slickNext' );

function resetProgressbar () {
$bar.css( {
width: `${0}%`,
} );
clearTimeout( tick );

} );
} );

// CSS code ====> project -- 20200727-924

.slick-dots {
margin: 0;
position: absolute;
bottom: 40px;
left: 0;
display: flex !important;
align-items: flex-end;
justify-content: center;
width: 100%;
height: 6px;
text-align: center;
list-style: none;
@include max-screen($breakpoint-phone) {
bottom: 30px;
@include max-screen($breakpoint-phone) {
bottom: 20px;

li {
margin: 0 7px !important;
position: relative;
flex: 1;
height: 3px;
list-style: none;
background: $color-white;
transition: $transition-base height;
cursor: pointer;

&:before {
display: none;

&:first-of-type {
margin-left: 0;

&:last-of-type {
margin-right: 0;

button {
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
display: block;
width: 0;
max-width: 0 !important;
height: 100%;
font-size: 0;
border: 0;
background: transparent;
outline: none;

&.slick-active {
height: 6px;

button {
max-width: none !important;
background: $color-secondary;

// Check users first visit on website

let cookies = document.cookie;


if (cookies.includes('firstVisit=no')) {
else {

document.cookie = "firstVisit=no";

// check vising after 10 min

let cookies = document.cookie;

if (cookies.includes('firstVisit=no')) {
    document.cookie = `visitTime `;    
else {

document.cookie = "firstVisit=no";

let indexNum = cookies.indexOf('visitTime');
let arr = cookies.substring(indexNum).split(' ');
let timeGap = (( - arr[1]) / 1000) / 60;

// check condition after 10 min
if((( - arr[1]) / 1000) > 10){
    document.cookie = "firstVisit=yes";


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